

Like most schools, we organise events to raise money for things like specialist teachers, school camps, playground equipment and technology for classrooms.

Our big annual fundraising ‘Valley to View’ event is a country fair with a difference – biking, hiking and running options alongside a country-style family fair, all located at the Cable Bay Adventure Park.  Every year Valley to View grows in popularity with new things to see, hear and do.

Additional fundraisers include regular hot lunch days, kids’ discos, and of course entertaining evenings for the adults.

Our fundraising team goes by the name of ‘FoTHs’ which stands for ‘Friends of The Hira School’.  Every parent/caregiver of a Hira School child automatically becomes a FoTHs member. Come along to a fundraising meeting – it’s a great way to get to know other parents and support the tamariki.